After Two Failed Marriages, Kenyan Actress Shares View On Marriage, Single Motherhood


Kenyan actress and influencer, Jackie Matubia, is no stranger to life’s ups and downs, particularly when it comes to matters of the heart.

With two failed relationships behind her, Matubia stands unapologetically single, embracing her status as a single mother with pride and dignity.

In an interview with Pulse Kenya, Matubia opened up about single motherhood and the importance of breaking societal stigmas surrounding single parenthood.

She noted that her focus has shifted to investing in her children, believing them to be her steadfast support system in times of need.

“My focus right now is my babies and building an empire for them because if you refuse, they will not leave you,” she shared.

Matubia emphasised that single motherhood is not something to be ashamed of, but rather something to be celebrated.

“I am so proud of being a single mother and you should also be proud to be a single mother,” she affirmed, urging other single mothers to embrace their journey with confidence.

Drawing from her own experiences, Matubia highlighted the peace that comes with accepting one’s circumstances and finding strength in adversity.

“You should know the kind of peace that comes with being a single mother,” she emphasized, dispelling misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding single parenthood.

As a mother of two, Matubia is determined to instil in her daughters the importance of resilience and self-worth.

“I want to teach my girls it is fine if marriage is not working, that is not the end of the world,” she explained.

While Matubia acknowledged the beauty of marriage, she stressed the importance of mutual respect and communication in any relationship.

“Marriage is amazing, it’s a beautiful institution,” she noted, “but again I say communication, respect, those are things you cannot play alone, it has to be a two-way traffic,” she pointed out.