Everyday is a special day – Alibaba


Nigerian comedian, Alibaba has implored Nigerians to treat every day as special because no one knows tomorrow.

The comedian and actor shared this his lengthy advice on his Instagram page.

“After thinking of all the things that have happened in the last 2 years and in the last 2 months… every day is a special day.

Whoever decides to spend time with you has given you a part of their life. Enjoy it. Whether it’s 60 years, 40, 15, 5 or 2 years. It doesn’t matter. Appreciate those years and let the value of the time spent count.

Most times we let the one sad, yes painful, passing of a dear one make us forget the good life they have lived. A moment doesn’t always represent a whole life, of anyone or story.

You see that suit that is in the wardrobe, wear it now. And if you would not, give it to those who need them. Going forward… I will wear the thread out of clothes I like. No one knows tomorrow. So treat everyday as special.”