Nairobi Governor, Sakaja rolls out Sh1 billion bursary scheme for Students


Nairobi Governor, Johnson Sakaja has rolled out Sh 1 billion bursary scheme for students who could not afford school education.

Dreams of some 107,907 bright students have been revived, thanks to Nairobi City County Government.

This is after it emerged that thousands of bright but needy children were failing to join Form One due to a lack of school fees.

Sakaja said the amount was an increase from Sh640 million in the last financial year, of which 80,008 students benefited.

Out of this, Sakaja said, Sh515 million would be awarded to needy and bright students from Nairobi public primary schools admitted to national, extra county and county boarding secondary schools across the Country.

The bursaries, which have been divided into two, will see approximately 80,000 students have their school fees for the entire year paid in full, while another group of over 27,900 students will have their entire high school education paid for.