Medical Expert Advocates For CPR Training For Athletes


As the Tokyo 2020 is about to begin, a medical expert Dr Adedamola Mosuro has advocated for an immediate chest compression training for all participants in the games.

Dr Mosuro who was the Guest of the Ex-University of Ibadan Footballers Association virtual interactive program at the weekend said the training is very important for everyone, and every sportsman and woman should be able to carry it out.

Quoting his words, the medical expert said “Everyone should register for a basic life support course and learn how to do CPR. It’s nothing fancy. This basic support is what they did to Erikson on the field recently. Anyone can do it, anyone can have what Erikson had on any field. Considering, how fit Erikson was as a professional player, he still had heart attack. If nothing was done when they were done, and the way they were done, the guy would have died. So, knowing basic life support is very crucial, not just you, the children as well. It should be made compulsory for everyone participating in sports. The children at home, should be able to administer it. They can be a life saver at any point in time . They should be well trained on it, so that they can do chest compression immediately and rescue the life of the affected person. If you have something choking your throat, they can do a manouvre to bring out those things. Don’t think it’s only a doctor that can do this. You are the first treatment. Let everyone know how to do CPR. It’s not something fancy, it’s what we need to know” the Canada based medical practitioner said.

He further advised that when there is an injury, especially a musculoskeletal one, that one should avoid trying to pull or push the joints (as we usually do on the pitch). “Reduce mobility of the joint and get an xray as soon as possible” .

He advised for regular exercises, about 3 days per week for 30- 45 minutes of moderate depending on the person’s ability.