Tokyo Paralympics:Retirement,not in sight-Lucy Ejike


The general captain of Team Nigeria to the ongoing Tokyo 2020 Paralympics has ruled out the retirement rumour been speculated around.

Speaking with Tribunesport Sunday ,the world record holder ans bronze medalist at the Tokyo Paralympics who was not happy with the bronze medal she won said,”though I am not happy with the bronze medal I won because I have set my mind to winning gold ans break my record then go ahead to set a new one but due to bad officiating,I was unable to and this disorganized me a greal lot but the joy of it was that my world record is there intact,nobody has been able to match or break it,nobody was even close to it ,so my message to all Nigerians is that they should not sad about it because by the Special grace of God,I am coming back to break it and set a new one”,she said.

She further said,”I was surprised to have win bronze because my first lift catapulted me to gold medal zone but surprisingly,my other lifts were cancelled which came to me as suprise but what can I do,God knows best.This is a lesson to me and I will be fully prepared against next Olympics by His grace”,Ejike said urging other remaining athletes to be more courageous.